The Bee’s Knees

She Is The Bee’s Knees

arrivals:  Hello at the Airport

My baby is back.  Two months (to the day) from leaving, Maurya flew home early from her 18 month mission in New York/New Jersey. To recover from severe knee distress (and it has truly been distressing, this knee business).  Femoral patella…something-something PAIN. Her time home: yet to be determined. She might recover quickly and want to go back. Or not. We don’t know. She doesn’t know. And we didn’t know her knees were vulnerable when she left (although this shouldn’t surprise us. I have to baby mine,  my sister coddles hers, and Grandpa Compton’s would sometimes…well, seize the day…on the tennis court.  Go all Rustified Tin Man on him).  We know now, bless her darling bee’s knees and lovely pigeon toes.

She IS the Bees Knees.  Just as mellow and serene as a summer’s day.

mothers and daughters, arrivals

And she is fine.

Needing physical therapy, yes…but thankfully, not surgery.  And while she’s sad to leave her mission, she’s accepting the moment beautifully.

accepting the moment gracefully

Yesterday, Nora just couldn’t decide what she would wear to the airport to pick Maurya up.  She changed a couple of times, landing finally on an outfit in “Maurya’s color”…robin’s egg blue.  Accented with a light-up bowtie Frank brought back from a techie convention, a green hat covered in sequins.  Frank took pictures at the airport with his iphone (which is why he isn’t in any of them…bummer).

arrivals: dressed for the occasion sisters, big sister little sister

Today, Maurya’s first day home, Meisha wore a Dr. Who t-shirt in her honor (“don’t worry”,it says; “I’m the Doctor”). With a bowtie. The girls are loyal bowtie-ists lately.

Before she got home, I made futile attempts at finishing the bedroom Maurya and Nora share.  The decor.  I didn’t get any further than making it tidy.  Maurya didn’t mind.

Ezra invited Maurya to the gym with him. The ultimate Ezra compliment. Terms of endearment.

hello, sistah

Mimsy has rediscovered her love for Maurya. Which means we’d better be darn sure she’s gone potty before she and Maurya hang out; she piddles affectionately.  Despite all her other superior qualities (like cuddliness, velvet ears, and irresistible puppy eyes).

And that is all I have to say about that, today.  It’s big news, here.  Maurya’s home.   And she’s ok. And so are we.

puppy cuddle

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  • andrea August 3, 2013, 2:10 pm

    I have bad knees too!!! Running has been a little difficult for me… so I took it easy and mostly stayed on the elliptical AND I took Dr. Christopher’s herbs for joints… and guess what… my knees are doing better… much better! And it’s not just going from the pavement to the elliptical either, because they were still hurting and swelling before I started pavement running… I can almost do jumping jacks again! I am glad she is all right, I am glad she is home surrounded by family that love her and I’m so sorry that she is in limbo right now… that would be difficult, but it will work out in the end. Good things will come. 🙂

    • Lynaea August 8, 2013, 7:37 am

      I guess I should check Dr. Christopher’s line out… I am glad you’re doing jumping jacks again! Woo hoo!

  • Frank August 1, 2013, 4:49 pm

    It was sure good to see Maurya again. I hope she will be able to heal fast so she can get on with her life. Love you Maurya. Dad

    • Lynaea August 8, 2013, 7:36 am

      Thank you Beau.

  • Sara Urry August 1, 2013, 7:24 am

    I am so glad that she is alright. I hope all goes well with the recovery and with whatever she decides to do. Love you all.

    • Lynaea August 8, 2013, 7:36 am

      Thank you Sara. Love you too.

  • Shari July 31, 2013, 8:08 am

    So glad it sounds like a happy reunion. And thanks to Frank for the photos-so fun to get to see the reunion as well as hear about it. Best of luck to Maurya.

    • Lynaea August 8, 2013, 7:36 am

      Thank you Shari. Yes, it was a happy reunion. Though she was tired, in pain, and sad at coming home early.

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