Short Skirt, Sweet Top

Thought I’d share pictures of a short skirt and sweet top…a sort of gift, or maybe tribute? to my husband.

short skirt sweet top refashioned short pencil skirtrefashioning: short pencil skirt

I missed Father’s Day here.  (Happy Post Father’s Day, by the way).  But I didn’t miss it in person…I celebrated with my kids and Frank, and even got a glimpse of my own father.

Let me explain this.  Though my parents live two states away, I see them fairly often as they traipse hither and yon on errands of business or pleasure (with eight kids grown and flown, there’s lots of both). My parents come and go like…well, not quite like thieves in the night, but not like the wind either.  Maybe…like popcorn?  Suddenly, suddenly popcorn is there, almost out of nowhere, warm and enticing.  Joyful, you take a handful…and then just as suddenly as it came, popcorn is gone.  Whsh-aah.  If you can picture that…popcorn here suddenly, enjoyed briefly, and gone just as suddenly, then you’ve got the comings and goings of my folks in a metaphor.  Dad sat with Mom just a few seats down from me at church, their grandkids between.  But when the service was over, they were gone.  Probably already in Idaho on their way back to Oregon.  Just like that.  Kisses blown, goodbyes implied.  Almost mysterious, except much nicer and hardly noire at all.

So yes, I saw my dad on Father’s Day (I love you, Dad).  But way more of Frank.  Frank was my companion du jour, my photographer.  Or I was his.  We shared the camera.

short sweet skirt and top, back

Besides a flawed but progressive cake and an almost perfect meal, Frank was treated to…well, me in a short skirt, and a sweet top.  He loves it when I dress up, wear skirts. Particularly short ones.   I protest shy knobby knees; he cares not at all.   Aside: I met both the short skirt and the sweet top at my most frequented thrift store…D.I.  Took the skirt in to make it pencil-ish…sort of like the pencils you might have borrowed from the kid in front of you in 9th grade English, the over-used pencils, sharpened until the lead was hiding out next to where the eraser used to be.  Yes, took the skirt in, and revamped the shirt…from 80’s (speaking of the 9th grade) to peter pan peplum.  I’ve done this before.  I probably should move on to other strategies.  But I do love the top.

refashioning: peter pan collar refashion peter pan collar

The brooch is actually a pendant from a necklace that Frank and I picked out together at a little jewelry booth in Honolulu.  Nostalgic, pretty…and as common on the streets of Honolulu as a ukele.  It holds the blouse shut so more of me doesn’t spill out.  Safety pins can pull all sorts of schemes together.

It was a good moment. Love you, Beau.

refashioned peplum blouse frankly my dear

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  • Kristin July 8, 2013, 8:11 pm

    Those shoes are uber hot! Love!

    • Lynaea July 20, 2013, 1:37 pm

      Uber Hot!! I don’t know if I’m licensed for uber hot anything. (= But I’ll accept the compliment, and watch for shoe police when I’m out in them again (which was yesterday, actually). Thanks for visiting, Kristin!

  • Ashley July 4, 2013, 9:45 pm

    Very cute outfit. You look lovely and it looks so fun. I really love the shoes with it as well. Very nice look!!! I am a new follower from the Freedom Fridays link party.

    • Lynaea July 8, 2013, 3:36 pm

      Thank you Ashley!

  • BiTi July 3, 2013, 8:23 am

    I love the peter pan (is it?) collar and tuxedo pleats on that blouse, and the brooch too. It looks very nice and feminine with your skirt and high heels. I need to practice wearing them again :). Nowadays I am mostly in pants and flats :(. Thanks for stopping by, have a great week!

    • Lynaea July 8, 2013, 3:28 pm

      Or you could just wear the flats up until the very moment you’re ready for a photo, throw on the heels, avoid moving much, get some great pictures, take them off again, and be content that you look great in them and are still alive. (= (= Thank you so much for visiting…and yes, I think it is a peter pan collar. I didn’t realize I had a tuxedo pleat, or I would have totally played that up. (=

  • Jan Graham-McMillen July 2, 2013, 10:24 am

    You’re looking very sweet and sexy here … know your man enjoys it! I have those very shoes in peach … but they look much better on your legs.
    I understand about independent parents, too. Mine are both gone, and you miss them but differently than those who were tied at the hip to their parental units. Mine couldn’t wait to try experiencing empty nest syndrome!

    • Lynaea July 8, 2013, 3:15 pm

      Thank you Jan. Yes, my man enjoys it. And I do like these shoes, though honestly, they compromise my balance a bit. Tipping over at such great heights…this is how I live dangerously. (= Thank you for visiting. It is fun to read your posts…I enjoy your humor.

  • Alyssa W. July 1, 2013, 7:24 pm

    So pretty Lynaea! I adore your hair!

    • Lynaea July 8, 2013, 3:03 pm

      Thanks Alyssa! It was a good hair day for the camera and I.

  • Patti @ NotDeadYet Style July 1, 2013, 4:42 pm

    What a lovely outfit, and post. Thanks so much for sharing it with Visible Monday!

    • Lynaea July 8, 2013, 3:01 pm

      Thank you Patti.

  • Andie June 27, 2013, 11:54 am

    I love that you have this beautiful talent! 🙂 What a charming sister I have. 🙂

    • Lynaea July 1, 2013, 3:14 pm

      Thank You Andie! Lately, it’s lapsed a bit. But thank you. Love you!

  • Tabetha June 27, 2013, 4:15 am

    So sweet! I love the skirt, the top & the popcorn metaphor– brilliant as always!

    • Lynaea July 1, 2013, 3:12 pm

      Thanks! And. I’m kinda weird about symbolism…somehow, matching aspects of my life to metaphors helps me feel…hopeful? Like, at least in the symbol dimension, my life is meaningful? I don’t know. It’s probably primal. Definitely absurd. Works for me. (=