Sewing Projects: Peter Pan Peplum, in Pink

My Stack of Sewing Projects Will Last Until I Die.

c'mon y'allpink forever embellishment for a refashion

This could be A Happy Thought, Perhaps. Depending.

This week, there’s one less project in the stack. Though the stack is bound to grow again; I feed it regularly. There is no reason to discuss the feeding of my Sewing Projects Stack any further… I think we’re all familiar enough with project stacks to just let this one pass. If this sort of compulsiveness is all foreign and unfamiliar to you, you have my sympathy (or my admiration, but we’ll never know because I’m changing the subject).

Peter Pan Peplum, in Pink

thrifted, refashioned peter pan peplum thrift bargain: refashion fodderrefashion fodder: thrift shirt

My finished sewing project started out as rumpled, faded thrift store bargains. A wrinkled pink shirt and a dainty, shapeless print skirt…each cost no more than $3. I was first enticed by the faded transparency of the shirt. It looked vintage, as if it had lasted through decades to meet me (though the tag tells me it hails from American Eagle). I wore the shirt a few times, always loving its vintage aura, and always wishing it were a bit longer. That there was more to it.

And then, I met the skirt. Like the shirt, it had a worn, faded look that I liked. I bought it, thinking it would refashion nicely into a vintage-y apron, but when it joined The Stack, and I saw it in the general proximity of my pink shirt, I knew I had a solution.

Miracle Cure: A Pink Peter Pan Peplum Blouse. If a Ruffle is a Peplum, Anyway.

I’d just figured out the trick of easy, gather-less ruffles. So the peplum wouldn’t be too hard. And I’m (probably) fixated on Peter Pan collars lately…which in this case was convenient, since the contrasting ruffle would make better sense in the company of a contrasting collar.

easy ruffle

I love the outcome— the new length, the flirty, feminine ruffle/peplum, the sweet collar, the flower embellishment.

refashioned: flirty ruffle refashioned blouse flower detailrefashioned blouse: peter pan peplum flirty ruffle refashion

I love the “Flower Girl Meets Flapper and Takes Up Bluegrass in An Old Truck” mood the blouse evokes.

flower girl meets flapperexit flower flapper girl refashioned blouse: peter pan peplum awkward momenthey

(I actually have a tutorial for all this pink peplum peter pan-ness…Stay tuned. It’s coming soon. But not now…can you imagine the length of this post with a tutorial? Besides, it’s my bedtime, and I’m running out of alliterations. Plus I’m potty training a puppy…stay tuned for that too.)

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  • Kero April 15, 2013, 11:57 pm

    aaw just perfect for spring! I’ve been meaning to buy a portable sewing machine to tweak some of my old clothes but never got around it.

    Seeing your creation today makes me head for the door right now and purchase =)

    Can’t wait to see you next look and creation!

    Thank you so much for the visit!

    • Lynaea April 17, 2013, 10:37 am

      Good luck! and Thank you.

  • Nancy Wilson April 11, 2013, 9:02 pm

    Lynaea great job looks great! Sure reminds me of some of the patterns we used for your clothes when you were little. Makes me want to sew…..but I will prune instead!!!!

    • Lynaea April 12, 2013, 5:09 pm

      I still have the pattern you made your pin striped navy and white dress with…that you wore the red hat and red shoes with. I hope the pruning is going well…I just butchered my fruit trees again, wishing Dad were my shoulder angel… Love you.

  • Kim April 11, 2013, 2:11 pm

    That is one awesome re-do. I love everything about it. The prints look so good together and I can’t wait to hear how you did the ruffles. I need to know this! thanks also for stopping by and leaving such a sweet comment about my bed-bench! Go for it! you’ll be glad you did!

    • Lynaea April 12, 2013, 5:00 pm

      I’ll post the tutorial next week and let you know…Thanks for visiting!

  • Gloria April 10, 2013, 5:21 pm

    Oh, I love this redo. It has inspired me! You did an awesome job!
    I answered the thought about sucanat over on my Resourceful Gals blog in case you were interested. 😉
    Nice meeting you!

    • Lynaea April 12, 2013, 4:59 pm

      Thanks so much for the info, Gloria. Sucranat will be hanging out with honey in my pantry, forthwith. (=

  • Heather April 10, 2013, 11:47 am

    This is one of the best re-do’s I’ve seen!! This shirt is amazing. LOVE LOVE LOVE

    Great job!

    • Lynaea April 12, 2013, 5:23 pm

      Thank you thank you!

  • Jeannie April 10, 2013, 6:26 am

    Oh my! How cute is your shirt! Looks great with your jeans!

    • Lynaea April 12, 2013, 5:23 pm

      Thank you! Have an awesome weekend.

  • Tabetha April 10, 2013, 2:46 am

    So cute!! I just adore these projects of yours– so clever & the results are beyond adorable!!

    • Lynaea April 12, 2013, 5:22 pm

      Thanks Tabetha.

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