
Peace, Y’all

purple irises and peace

I’m hoping this time is sweet and peaceful wherever you are, whether you’re celebrating Spring, or Easter, or both (I celebrate both…to me, they are inseparable). One of my favorite aspects of sacred celebration is the peace that comes with it…I love the stillness. Like a breath between measures. Clarity in the midst. Or something like that.

breath between measures: purple garden

I also love the metaphors of Spring and Easter. I love how they dovetail. Rebirth, new beginnings, fresh life, green turnings… I love the hope that comes with spring. The new warmth here in Northern Utah is almost surprising…somehow, spring overtook winter and the entire world has found its shorts and sandals; daffodils are blooming (miraculous to me), the buds on my fruit trees are swelling (yikes! I haven’t pruned yet!), and I feel as if I’m coming back to life; like I could do almost anything. Spring might retreat a little in the weeks to come—tulips laden with late snow—but. Spring has begun. There is a permanent breach in winter’s gates.


spring on the farm

We’re taking our Spring Break to the max; not letting it go until we have to Monday morning. Even then, the days (being longer, and brighter, and warmer) will still seem festive… and there is a lot to catch up on. The kind of catching up that is a pleasure (I’ve missed visiting some of you); I’m looking forward to it. Meanwhile…

Happy Spring, Happy Easter…Here’s Wishing You Peace, Warmth, Blessings, Fresh New Days, and Love

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  • Nancy Wilson April 3, 2013, 7:33 pm

    Lynaea just caught up with your blog…..for some reason my computer would not download….at least it was taking more time than I had. Love pictures of the kids. It was a delightful time. We love being with you all. Your Easter-Spring pictures are so lovely… have such a great talent…I am soooo proud of you all. What a lucky person I am.

  • Tabetha April 1, 2013, 3:39 am

    Such beautiful pictures! We heard birds tweeting the other day, & our fingers are crossed that spring has indeed sprung {but we are also twice shy, so to speak}…

    • Lynaea April 2, 2013, 3:34 pm

      Thank you Tabetha. I’ll cross my fingers too…