Lavender Fool

Almost past bloom here, lavender is on my mind. I’d like to write about it. Horticulturally speaking.

honey bee in lavender

But I am momentarily distracted by a remembrance of Mia Farrow’s wardrobe as Daisy in “The Great Gatsby” (1974).  Flowing chiffon. Tantalizing hats. A hopeless scene in angelic, gauzy lavender.   There’s also that sad moment where Daisy calls her daughter  a “poor little fool”.  I watched this movie with my Maurya before she left for her mission; a bonding experience.  We saw it all the way through, occasionally sharing horrified glances.  Aghast.  We agreed, when it finally ended, that it was a really, really awful movie.   Though I  will always love Sam Waterston in it (I think he’s fascinating in Law and Order; but in Gatsby, he’s on the cusp of sagacity rather than arrived and settled).  I do wish someone would have wiped his face, now and again.  The obvious stifling heat in Gatsby’s man world coated everyone but Daisy, who always looked cool.  But this is a tangent. [continue reading…]



Stars & Stuff.

star quilt top

It’s the middle of the day, July 4th.  I should be making chocolate chip cookies, or zucchini bread…something to take to the family potluck and fireworks this evening, but I just couldn’t let the day pass without a patriotic tribute here.  Quilts.  Stars. And other sundry things (isn’t that a great word? Sundry?  Like Sunday, by wry-er). [continue reading…]


Who’s Your Daddy? Enter The Blog Creation.

“What’s Your Name?  Who’s Your Daddy?  Is He Rich Like Me?” –from “Time of The Season” by The Zombies, 1968.  The Year My Husband Was Born.  Oh, The Irony.

who's your daddy?daddy's hands, her pretty hair

I’ll get to the Blog Creation, but first, a Toby Keith detour.  You’ll see how this works.

Frank and I went through a brief country music phase.  It coincided with our unified push to live simpler (meaning: work harder).  It coincided with our buying a retired orange railroad truck at auction (the gigantic gutless wonder is still part of the family…still dying on the freeway, still hauling stinky compost, still getting stuck at the drop of a hat or a snowflake, still beloved).   And it  (our music deviation) coincided with our building our own house with sticks on three acres…I still have wonderful, pungent memories of wiring with Frank in the Columbia Basin’s hot dry heat, sweat trickling down any and every crevice of our bodies as we hammered wire staples to the rhythm of  Brookes and Dunn (“My Maria”), or Toby Keith (“Who’s Your Daddy?”).   That sort of sweat will always, always be perfectly sexy to me.  Even if I beg off wiring in future projects. [continue reading…]


Does a Wonderland Alice mood ever strike you? Yes? Well. Twas Brillig and The Slithy Toves, I just have to say. Whatever that means.

red boots

My eldest daughter trips in and out of our home at random, rare intervals.

She appears from nowhere with a jingle of her car keys/charms/trinkets, usually looking pleased with herself and somewhat expectant (“Here I am! I drove all by myself in my own little car to get here! Aren’t you so tickled to see me?”). I have no doubt that for her, it’s a wondrous thing to have launched (for me, a little otherworldly…but I am very pleased with her too, it turns out). [continue reading…]


Short Skirt, Sweet Top

Thought I’d share pictures of a short skirt and sweet top…a sort of gift, or maybe tribute? to my husband.

short skirt sweet top refashioned short pencil skirtrefashioning: short pencil skirt

I missed Father’s Day here.  (Happy Post Father’s Day, by the way).  But I didn’t miss it in person…I celebrated with my kids and Frank, and even got a glimpse of my own father. [continue reading…]


A Rose By Any Other Name

A Rose By Any Other Name Would Still Smell As Sweet.

not bumping there ChugChug and the non-bump

So Shakespeare (maestro of love stories and sonnets) tells us.  Well Will, what do you think of “Chug”?  How sweet is that? [continue reading…]


It Is About the Nail

Sometimes, It Is About The Nail

In just over a decade since its publication,  concepts from “Men Are From Mars, Women are From Venus”  have embedded themselves deep in our social consciousness.  The stereotypical complaints of the sexes are so familiar that we can joke about them.  And we do.  (Quick recap:  Women complain that rather than listening and understanding, men try to fix everything.  Men complain that Women aren’t really interested in solving problems,  they just like talking about them.)

We get the Mars/Venus postulate.  We’re informed.  We know  that our differences are intrinsic and logical.  We’ve swallowed the prescriptive paradigm that helps us see and validate one another.  And yet, we’re still arguing.  Some of us still resent the opposite sex; some are still contemptuous.  Some of us (ladies, I address us) refuse to let it ever be about the nail, though sometimes (sometimes) it is.


[continue reading…]


Five Among Friends

Taby at A Closet Intellectual invited her blogging friends to join her in a get to know you post round.  Sounded good to me… I’m imagining a round table with five topics for conversation.

five anjou pears

Five Among Friends.

Taby posed five questions to get us going.  Her husband wrote on their blog yesterday, addressing the five questions/topics in his first Man Cave post.  A revelatory and entertaining read.  I’m looking forward to more man cave-ness (particularly recipes).    And I liked the glimpses he offered of Taby and their family.  I love that she says things that make him laugh so hard he cries.  In my world, making anyone laugh that hard would make my day (or night). [continue reading…]