And in Flew Enza

in flew Enza; hoar frost on weeds

Noting the Cold Outside,

and inspired by Steph’s refashioning, I focused today on making skirts out of wool sweaters. Success! I have two wool skirts now (and a pair of leggings). But it was way too blizzardy today for photos (picture above was taken a week ago Saturday). Visibility is bad, the roads are terrible, and the goats—who I’d hoped to bring with me on the photo shoot— are hiding in their barn, munching hay. None of us want to leave the snug warmth of our shelters (they have a heat lamp; I have a fire).

Besides, my throat is sore and I’m snuffly. I’ve got some sort of bug. What is the rest of that nursery rhyme, the one that ends with ” and in flew Enza”? It is on the tip of my fuzzy brain. I should look it up. It’s a little morbid (at least its origins are), like “ashes, ashes, we all fall down”. [continue reading…]


Make a Simple Skirt from a Sweater

Steph in Skirt made from a wool sweater

My friend Stephanie shared pictures of a recent Refashioning—or Snowshoeing—Adventure.

(Stephanie’s essay appeared in a recent post, “Pink Means What?…”). Steph is a long distance friend; once upon a time we both lived in the same tiny town in Washington, but neither of us live there anymore. Good memories. We stay connected through emails and facebook messages and the very occasional visit (which I cherish). I miss her, and am so grateful that we have been able to maintain a vibrant friendship. But back to skirts. [continue reading…]


Pink Means What? More Thoughts…

Pink Means What? Pink Ladies

Yesterday’s post addressed the pink for breast cancer awareness connection.

Coincidentally, I’d noticed pink ribbons tied all over the neighborhood for the last few days.  I automatically  assumed the ribbons were tied in observance of a special breast cancer awareness event or calendar week… [continue reading…]

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Pink Means What?

"pink means what?

What do you think when you see pink? My girls do not think of breast cancer; they think of Barbie and cotton candy, and refuse to wear it. But they haven’t been touched in a real way yet by breast cancer. Have you been touched? What do pink ribbons fluttering in the breeze do to you?

I imagine pink would mean something different to all of us. Three or four years ago, I had a lump in my breast that defied apprehension; it took not just a short series of exams, but an ultrasound and a biopsy to finally dismiss the lump as a benign anomaly. We were in the middle of building a new home. My oldest daughter was a junior in high school; my youngest hadn’t started kindergarten yet, and there were three other innocents in between.  All I could think about during the suspenseful weeks before the lump had a name was this: I couldn’t imagine my children being ok without me. I couldn’t stand the thought of leaving them. I wrestled with feeling hopeful, despite my passionate belief that hope is crucial. [continue reading…]


The Jefferson Memorial

Jefferson Memorial, outside

I’m reluctant to admit this, but I am not a fan of touring historical sites–Monuments, memorials, museums (unless they’re art museums—I love touring art museums, even mediocre ones…). Also, I usually dislike guided tours. And generally speaking, I don’t like parades, either. [continue reading…]

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After a bummer of a day today (January second, the dreary morning after our holiday and my kid’s first day back to school—ugh! why is this so hard for me???), I am resolved to engage in real life again. Take on the new year. Kick it in the pants, no… ok…I’m breathing…Dance with it. Yes. Dance. Though I’m tempted to crawl into bed with my last loaf of holiday stollen cradled in my arms. But. Having savored my stollen moments long enough, I must resist languishing in them (even though my second batch was extra delicious). Sigh. So.

Here is this Everyday Woman’s New Year’s Resolutions…I’m writing them down:

Fallen Snowman

Um. Well. Stalling…I could write a really pretty, sprightly list of ideals and lofty goals—and actually, I did write a bit last night, but having just bungled through a really blue Monday (which pretended to be a Wednesday, though it didn’t fool me), there is a part of me that recoils at the idea of New Year’s Resolutions. A part of me that feels like rolling her eyes (yeah, right). I know myself. [continue reading…]


To commemorate and celebrate the New Year, I Thought I’d share our household’s most recent meltdown: Maurya’s Crayon Craft Fiasco.

(the following pictures, though grainy, well reflect the gritty reality of the sinister side of crafting.)
New Year Meltdown; crayon meltdown craft

Maurya and her friend Jessica dreamt it up,

and it seemed like a good idea: make cute little molds out of bake-able clay, melt crayons together, and pour the melted crayons into the clay molds. Making cute little melted crayon shapes. Cute little cute little. Why do I keep saying cute little?   Maurya and Jessica are all about funk (though honestly it feels a little bit counter-intuitive to me to say funky instead of cute when I’m referring to anything Maurya’d).  I should have said funky little. Well. Ok. Funky little molded shapes. [continue reading…]


They’re going by too fast, these wonder filled festive days. Here’s my latest Saturday Special: our homespun Holiday Sampler

pillow pet

Nora Christmas morning with her long coveted pillow pet. Ez drew her name and was so excited that he “got” her. [continue reading…]