winter farmhouse and tree, winter requiem

I looked up “requiem” in Wikipedia,  making sure it meant what I thought it did.  

And found that yes….a requiem might work as a melancholy retrospective.  Still, I was also interested to learn that  “requiem” has a longer history as a Mass for the Dead, or better yet, a Mass OF the Dead (repose of souls, amen). [continue reading…]


No Snow Day in Utah

Snow Day In Utah?

no snow days in Utah; ice storm

Last week an ice storm poured through Utah’s Wasatch Front,

glazing everything in its path with a beautiful, high gloss. Sunday afternoon, the next storm dropped a new, thick layer of snow. As I drove to and from Salt Lake in the breathtaking mess, I searched for words to describe the size of the gorgeous snow globs hitting my windshield. Brain-stunned by their sheer mass, I could only come up with “hamburgers”.

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Notes: Make a Simple Skirt & Leggings From Wool Sweaters

(As shown in last Friday’s Wool Skirts and Leggings refashioned from Wool Sweaters)

skirt refashion: from black wool sweaterskirt refashion: from red wool sweater

1) I bought three wool sweaters at a thrift store. The bigger the better. Cotton or cotton/ramie would work too, but it’s winter, and besides being warm and tough, wool is classy.

2) I washed & dried the sweaters in my washing machine/dryer. In lingerie bags (mesh), to keep fibers smooth.  This shrinks them, yes, but it also tightens/thickens the fibers so that my final product will be sturdy…and machine washable (but probably not dryer-dryable).

3) Using a favorite skirt from my closet as a template/pattern, I made sure there actually was room for a skirt in each of the sweaters before I cut the necks and sleeves off. A straight/pencil skirt’s shape is almost square, curving subtly around the hips. (I didn’t make a skirt out of the white sweater.   I did use the arms for my leggings; the body waits for a later project).

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Saturday Special: Cautionary Tale—

Goats Are Not Fashion Accessories

goats aren't fashion accessories #1

(Unless you’re a guy, and you’ve got enough whiskers growing in just the right places).

So I’d refashioned wool skirts and wool leggings out of wool sweaters, like my friend Steph did so beautifully. I was tickled at the outcome; pleased as punch that I was finding so many things in my closet that would go with. Excited to show off my adventure. [continue reading…]


 Refashion: 3 Thrifted Wool Sweaters= 2 Wool Skirts +  1 Pair of Leggings + some random future project. 

Inspired by my friend Stephanie’s beautiful wool skirts made from thrifted sweaters, I played with her concept.  My refashion was  fun that day (yep, the two skirts and one pair of leggings took one afternoon, the end). And the leggings and skirt kept me warmer than you’d think when we took the pictures…I’m so excited to show them off.

 (I’ll post my “How to Make Skirt And Leggings” notes and photos on Monday.)

red sweater skirtred sweater skirt back
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Sweet Land: Connections

January hoarfrost, sweet land

Sweet Land: Cold, and Missing Connections

In all the conversations I’ve had today, the cold weather was the leading topic. We’re all cold. Some of  us are happy there’s snow (I am), and some are just plain freezing (that’s me too). Seven degrees today–I wondered about the likelihood of frostbite this morning when I went for a quick run. My nose is extra long;  perhaps it would be extra vulnerable? Apparently not.  It’s still there.

Cold is both beautiful and terrible to me.  I love what snow and frost do to a landscape, and I’m grateful that they are so reflective, since I’m missing summer’s light. But. When it is this cold, and I stand outside alone in the night, I am overwhelmed by the coldness and vastness of the universe. My seven degrees is a comparative (but very thin) safety blanket.

Besides crystalline beauty, cold also means isolation to me. Loneliness can overwhelm like a night alone with the universe.

And so, of course, I crave warmth.  And company.  In winter especially, I like to bake. Especially if I’m cold. Especially if I’m feeling disconnected . Why is that? [continue reading…]


Once upon a time this winter, Nora wanted snowman pancakes.  I was happy to oblige, conditionally. They also had to be healthy pancakes. We both got what we wanted, with a bonus:they turned out purplish (thanks to a key ingredient: black rice). Juvenile dream come true: We are officially Purple Snowman Eaters. Great times in the dead of winter. The pancakes were delicious (Frank ate 6), and really fun to make with Nora.

Healthy Pancakes: purple snowmen

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I thought I’d call this post Winter Whimsy, but really, if I’m reaching for whimsy, it’s because I’m on the cusp of crazy, and I’m reaching for hope and light.

So this Saturday Special will be “Bird on a Wire”. Whimsy perched and clinging.

"Perched" painting, oil on canvas

Winter is so beautiful here.

Hazardous, yes… We keep hearing the crash of icicles as they randomly fall around the house. And today, while Nora and I ran and sledded in the bright, frigid afternoon, we found a bunny trail ending  in the middle of a field, with feather swoops marking the spot, and not a drop of blood. (Theory: people with scientific/pragmatic/hunter-gatherer minds are apt to call these animals “rabbits”. Girls who are sad that  they’ve just been annihilated call them “bunnies”). [continue reading…]