Thrifting Insights from a Good Will Hunter

pretty Leah, a novice thrifter

My sister, Leah, recently (ok, way back in February) wrote about a thrifting experience, and gave me permission to post her  story  on my blog.  I’ve named her post  tongue in cheek, chuckling.   If you want serious thrifty inspiration, ple-ease stay tuned or check out previous posts; I am an avid thrifter and love sharing inspiration (and would love to hear yours). Whether or not you’re a serious thrifter, I know you’ll enjoy Leah’s humorous take on the hunt. [continue reading…]


Further Details of a Folksy Gathering: Thrifty Decor

Mara's creative decorating

I mentioned a road trip when I last wrote. Actually, the road trip was all I wrote about, but I wrote in general, or maybe panoramic terms…. blithely throwing a crowded minivan, a lost toenail, a poplar orchard, and folksy gatherings all together into just a few paragraphs. [continue reading…]


Convalescing: Spring Break Road Trip

Teapot Gas Stop...Yakima

I’m back from Spring Break, which I spent epic-somely.  On a Road Trip.  With five children  (all mine, minus one plus a cousin) and my wounded husband. Our epic adventure began two days after I was taken by the plague, three days after Frank kicked a bucket in the pantry(so weird trying to explain this at the clinic) and lost his toenail, and three days into antibiotics for my youngest (ear infection, out of the blue).  We are all better now…well, mostly.  Frank is still missing the toenail. [continue reading…]



Peace, Y’all

purple irises and peace

I’m hoping this time is sweet and peaceful wherever you are, whether you’re celebrating Spring, or Easter, or both (I celebrate both…to me, they are inseparable). One of my favorite aspects of sacred celebration is the peace that comes with it…I love the stillness. Like a breath between measures. Clarity in the midst. Or something like that. [continue reading…]


Cynthia’s Ross Thrift Tips

Speaking of Thriftiness… Thrift Tips.

Ross Thriftiness

My Aunt Cynthia is a savvy decorator. Her home is paradise to me when I visit, and was a haven for my daughter during her first semester away from home. [continue reading…]


Spring Break

Spring Break began wretchedly at my house.

thrifted skirt, sweater, and blouse, Spring Break

Literally. With retching (pardon; tis but too true).   Nevertheless and thankfully, the wretchedness was brief; I recovered. A comfort to my children, who were constantly checking on the state of my health while I was sick, asking don’t you feel better yet Mom? Will you feel better by Saturday?

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Literary Friday:  A Poem in the Rough by Leah Wilcox

My sister Leah and I like to bounce words around and off each other, a fact I’ve shared on my blog before.   In a very literal sense, we are each other’s writing prompts.   Which is a good thing, because lately, both of us are hungry and needing to write.  Leah has given me permission to share some of her writing attempts on my blog; which writings I will post responses to, which then (we’re hoping) will inspire her to send more.  Etc, etc, etc.  That’s the plan.  I really like it.

Here’s what Leah sent me earlier this week:

“I’ve shared this poem with you so you’ll recognize it. I am not stuck on the title and if you have any editing suggestions I’m very open. I have never gotten the ending to a place I love but for the moment I have no solutions (Lynaea interjecting here:  I’m totally ok with the title, and I love the ending):”

Of Heroes, Dreams and Underwear

superman: of heroes, capes, and x ray vision

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Bloom: Garden Dreams

Think Bloom, Baby

Lavender and Shirley Poppies

It’s Garden Fantasy Time.

For sure.  I’ve actually put off garden dreaming a little this year (it’s a silly self defense mechanism, this putting dreams off) and I simply can’t stand it any longer… I lost myself in online catalogs today, and I’m ordering tomorrow.  So sometime in April or May, I can have a frantic, joyous two weeks (four weeks? Two months?) of planting.  Like I always keep doing.  See how forward looking I am?  Benefit of gardening, sistah.

Traditionally, late January/early February were my catalog hoarding months.  I carried plant catalogs with me everywhere…on garden irrelevant errands,  like to the movies (so I had something to do while I waited for the previews), the grocery store—even into the bathtub.  I devoured gardening books from the library.  Particularly ones with pictures.  I drew plans.  I started seeds.  And then all spring and summer, I planted and weeded and weathered the sometimes heartbreaking learning curve…for blooms.  Blooms and fruit and foliage.  So worth every obsessed, distressed, and sweaty moment.

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