Home For Christmas

Home For Christmas, Dearly Beloveds, and A Nearly Dead Tangent at Year’s End (Ring Out, Wild Bells)

Christmas handstand

Well, Merry Christmas!  I know it’s late.  Actually, I know it’s pretty much over….But that’s ok.  Really.  In an obscure way, my belated holiday wishes sung in a deserted room might be stylishly edgy, like a minimalist independent movie  shot in a coat factory’s janitorial closet.  There might be meaning here, in my solitary, almost irrelevant words.  Truth.  Hope.  A narrow beacon of light. Possibly.  Probably not though.

And yet, I insist…Merry Christmas!  And I hope you (God Bless You, Every One) were all home for Christmas, in the best, warmest, happiest sense of the phrase.

Home for Christmas

I was home for Christmas.  It was nice.  I liked it.   With all the kids (mostly healthy), and Frank (consistently sweet), and even Mimsy (as long as she was leashed, darn it…at large, she is most untrustworthy)  I felt my heart swell at least one and a half sizes larger.   But if I were to recount my Christmas tale here, which wouldn’t be unreasonable because after all this is supposed to be a lifestyle blog, it would be long and might sometimes sound whiny.   And there would probably be tangents.  Like this one (you can skip the next paragraph, if you hate tangents.  But then, you’ve probably long since stopped reading my blog if you hate tangents, so…read on, dearly beloveds):

peering out of doorway

Tangent:  Since flu season coincides with the holiday season, we’ve been watching a lot of silly dramas.  No high brow janitorial closets for us (seven shades of blond zombified to the couch—or in my case, listening from the kitchen).   No.  In our flu-ish state, we’ve fallen prey to the almost clever devices of nearly mainstream screenwriters, and are, even now that most of us are feeling better, particularly intrigued by the theme of Almost (or Nearly) Dead.   Maurya came up with classifications for the varied elements of the Nearly Dead spectrum, and we are thinking of submitting them to some sort of committee.  There’s Mostly Dead as diagnosed by Miracle Max (Princess Bride)—rudimentary and uncomplicated.   I think I might have experienced this once or twice, even though I’m hardly fictitious and not as likely to be motivated by True Love or even Revenge so much as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and/or Daydreaming.   There’s also Rory Dead (of Dr. Who fame),  if you happen to be fictional, invented by a writer with a penchant for unbelievable plot twists, and your name is…well, Rory.   When you’re Rory Dead, you simply don’t stay dead for more than a couple of episodes, even though each of your deaths (there will be many) are at least dramatic, if not altogether tragic.  Exterminated by  a lizard woman with a ray gun?  Obliterated by a crack in the universe?  Melted to nothingness in the wrong time zone during the London Blitz after guarding the Pandorica for endless centuries?   No worries.   You’ll be back,  sans the typical decomposition most of us would expect after our demise—whether it were our first, or our third.   And last, there’s simple, generic TV Dead, a condition also most likely to be experienced by imaginary persons, though America’s Most Wanted would have us believe it is practiced by real mortals with sinister intentions.  TV Dead is really about artful deception.   It is Faked Death (Sherlock), a lie that sooner or later changes its story and insists it was alive all along, hidden in a secret room or across the street or possibly even in a Parisian cafe while tears were shed at the funeral and loved ones spoke sentimental dirges through the gray days afterward.  

dance at the funeral, babe

Before we leave this tangent, I do have relevant pictures:  Maurya and Nora either recuperating from, or actually in the midst of the flu (note Nora’s bowl), or jetlag (note Maurya’s beautiful toes).  And to make it germane to the whole Home for Christmas thing… they were home with me.  I love them.  I relished the sight of their pretty blond heads on the couch and  even on my pillow, probable muss notwithstanding.  And they are feeling better now.

flu season jet lag recovery cute toes

And so, no Christmas Tale.  Not really.  Nor will I be posting (this time) lovely pictures of my holiday decorating, telling you in lively and vivacious tones how I made it all look good.  Not because I’m great at exercising restraint (if I were, you can bet I’d be making one of those minimalist janitor closet films), but mostly because I never did completely finish decorating, although….I did  get a few pictures of some scattered nearly-done vignettes…

Nativity scene, foyer Christmas table The dog, leashed at Christmastime

In the end, what I loved best, and what I wish to mention here,  is that we were all Home for Christmas.  Together. We even gathered round our second hand baby grand (the one that lived…or did it die?  Mysteriously.  In a house fire sometime during the vague years before we found it on Craig’s list),  singing Christmas hymns til Ez hyperventilated and we all went to bed.  Except for me because I’d procrastinated wrapping.

snuggle on the couch

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  • Nancy Wilson December 30, 2013, 10:41 pm

    So sorry you were all so sick. So was Andy and her family. I do have a memory of grandchildren and children so very sick over the Christmas holidays….I believe you and Frank had left your children with me while celebrating your anniversary and shopping. Leah and Mitch and done the same….all became ill while you were gone. I waited until your return….then Nola and I became very ill. Was good to have someone to help take care of us. You are right…somehow we are more susceptible at this time of the year…and often feel mostly dead!
    Love you and your clever comments.

  • Sue @ A Colourful Canvas December 27, 2013, 11:53 am

    …honestly, pontificate is too strong a word…I never feel like I’m being talked ‘at’… 🙂

  • Sue @ A Colourful Canvas December 26, 2013, 12:30 pm

    Happy Christmas Lynaea…as always, an entertaining read this am! I did re-read just one line…my eyes read that you gathered around your second grand baby…the one that lived…or did it die? Yikes! Re-read…Whew! Second hand baby grand. Okay, much less drama. To cut me some slack, you did pontificate on nearly dead to some great degree. 🙂

    Here’s cheers to 2014!

    • Lynaea December 26, 2013, 10:54 pm

      Yikes Indeed!!! So sorry for the awful moments caused by my choice of words and an easy misread…I could totally see how that happened. And yes, I do lapse into pontifying sometimes. (= Hope you’re enjoying the season, Sue.

  • Terri Betz December 26, 2013, 10:50 am

    Merry Christmas to you and yours! Thanks for sharing with us from your blog! I do enjoy reading! I don’t comment a lot, but I couldn’t let Christmas go by without writing! Hope your New Year is wonderful!

    • Lynaea December 26, 2013, 10:42 pm

      Thank you Terri! Season’s Greetings right back at ya!

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