Green Thrift (or second hand St. Patrick)

Green Thrift, and Other Patrickian Musings.  Briefly.

girl in a green scarf

St. Patrick’s Day came and went with a quick  green nod.  Snap, crackle, pop…the end. Over Rover.  Which is typically how The Day goes at my house.  But. I promise myself that next year I’ll actually look forward to celebrating it,  instead of whining about late winter and mud.  Because think about it Lynaea…St. Patrick’s Day is a gift, a timely invitation to abandon cold season doldrums to laughter and whimsy.    Which invitation I almost missed this year…The day before The Wearing Of The Green, I was suddenly seized with grandiose refashion schemes involving a thrifted skirt and hoarded fabric.  Schemes that (if I’d started reasonably early) would have resulted in the most lovely emerald outfit, but (since I didn’t start reasonably early) almost sucked me into a pointless creative OCD vacuum.  Luckily, I escaped.  Two lovely leprechauns (hello Melody and Marissa) showed up to befriend Maurya and make merry with the rest of us…they helped assemble and eat salads and even washed dishes,  and took in (and commented on) countless episodes of “Dr. Who” with us.

We also made green cornbread and not-green creme brulee, but I think I’ll save that miraculous story for another day.

Even though my Refashioned Emerald Outfit was a bust (at least temporarily), I still managed to find some green to wear.  Green thrift.    Meaning that from my suede brown shoes to my little green scarf, my entire outfit was second-hand.  Rescued from a thrift store.  Second hand clothes are my staple.  Which is, after all, a green concept (snap crackle pop).

entirely thrifted outfit for St. Patty's Daygreen thrift: St. Patty's Day outfit

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  • Cathy April 5, 2013, 11:17 pm

    This green looks beautiful on you!

    Visiting by way of Friday Friend Blog Hop. =)


    • Lynaea April 12, 2013, 5:17 pm

      Thanks Cathy!

  • Tabetha March 19, 2013, 3:08 am

    You may have the winter doldrums, but you look bright as spring!! And I can’t think of a better way to spend any day than watching Dr. Who with friends & family–

    • Lynaea March 22, 2013, 2:33 pm

      Thanks Tabetha!

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