Green Julius Smoothie: A Healthy Recipe

Hey there.  How are you feeling lately?  Any signs of Spring out your kitchen window?

Here’s Something From My Kitchen: A Healthy Recipe.

green smoothie: green julius smoothie

 (printable recipe at end of post)

What does that mean, a healthy recipe (pardon my fixating on words)?  As recipes go, this one is robust?  Vigorous?  In the prime of life?  Fit as a fiddle?

For sure.  And yep…you are what you eat.  At least I hope so. Not that I don’t like what I am…I’d just like to be a little…healthier.  I want to feel a little greener.  I want my tummy to hum, happily (humming being way different than gurling).  It’s the end of February, for crying out loud. Here in my neck of Utah, there aren’t any signs of spring out my kitchen window or  even up close and personal on my morning runs.   Just the same beautiful snow (aging of course) that we’ve had all winter long.   The other day, the tiniest breeze swept up frost that had settled on top of the snow, and sprinkled it through the air all around me.  Wonderland.  The glitter was surreal, and beautiful.  And proof  that the daffodils are still asleep.

But at least there is green spinach in my fridge.  And seriously, nothing feels better  than a little green smoothie to kickstart a morning, even in February.  This one is reminiscent of an Orange Julius— a little bit creamy with almond milk and Greek yogurt, a little citrusy with either o.j. or fresh lemon.   With a hint of cinnamon and vanilla, it’s just a little more elegant than a treat you’d find at a mall. My favorite breakfast lately.  Yes indeed.  This IS a healthy recipe.

[gmc_recipe 5919]


apron with embellishment

Did you like the quick peek at my new repurposed apron?  I scrounged it together from a thrifted skirt, a hand-me-down dress, and fabric scraps .  I love aprons and had fun making it (well, as much fun as I can have huddled over a cranky serger and an ancient sewing machine…but the outcome made up for any lack of thrill in the process). I’ll be posting more pictures along with a simple tutorial next week.  Meanwhile.  Meghan over at Eat.Live.Make is throwing a group giveaway on Tuesday; this apron will be one of the gifts.  Be sure to visit her blog for a chance to win something cool there.  AND PPS …I’m making a sister apron (similar to the one pictured here) for  another group giveaway that Tabetha at The Closet Intellectual will be hosting around the 28th. Better stay tuned for that one…


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  • Danielle @ Poor and Gluten Free March 19, 2013, 5:58 pm

    I love green smoothies and this looks great! Thanks so much for sharing it on Waste Not Want Not Wednesday, I hope to see you back this week 🙂

    • Lynaea March 22, 2013, 2:35 pm

      Thank you Danielle.

  • Tiff March 14, 2013, 10:27 am

    Looks DELISH!

  • Nana February 25, 2013, 9:53 am

    I have started putting plums, or prunes in my drinks also. Apron is darling. Love reading.

    • Lynaea February 25, 2013, 9:53 pm

      Thank you Mom!

  • Treat and Trick February 23, 2013, 12:38 am

    I never tried such a smoothie but it looks much healthier than store bought ones. Bookmarked!

    • Lynaea February 25, 2013, 9:53 pm

      Thank you! It is definitely fresher and less processed than store bought ones!

  • Cynthia February 22, 2013, 6:59 pm

    I have been looking for a good green smoothie. Really, I have. But this is the first one that looks good to me. Will be trying it. I even have all the ingredients.

    • Lynaea February 25, 2013, 9:52 pm

      Hey Aunt. I think you would like this one. And…I have more. (=

  • Trish February 22, 2013, 9:48 am

    I’m actually a huge sucker for a green smoothie! I get a CSA bin every week, and right now we are living off of 3 different kinds of greens and about 4 different types of citrus. Smoothies have been my saving grace!!! But, I definitely agree, that fattening greek yogurt is where it’s at. And some frozen berries thrown in too. 🙂

  • Tabetha February 22, 2013, 4:14 am

    “A chunky green smoothie can cure some people of ever trying one again.” Laughing for days!

    I love a good smoothie– definitely adding this one to the list of recipes!

    • Lynaea February 25, 2013, 9:50 pm

      (= Thanks! Laughter IS the best medicine (wait…maybe sleep is the best?)