The Gilded Branch, 3300 S 2300 E, Salt Lake (Holladay)

Elaine is my Thelma and Louise compadre. She is also my Longtime culinary (Sunday dinner) cohort and child rearing sympathizer. If you don’t know her, you should. She is many things to many people. She’s Memorable. Distinct. And clearly, definitely a Maven. Elaine is opening a one-of-a-kind gift boutique in Holladay, UT. The Gilded Branch. Right next to Silver Star Hardware on 3300. When Elaine takes on a project, she does it Big. It’s always Momentous. A week and a half ago I had a sneak peek at some of her treasures. Sweaters and jewelry, trendy but not faddish. Christmas decorations handmade with antique ornaments. Halloween decorations handmade with humor. Artisan candy, gourmet cookies. Good, possibly obscure books (Elaine could start her own Oprah Book Club, but of course it wouldn’t be Oprah it would be Elaine). Silver Star’s facebook page has a picture of Elaine’s purse wall…candy bright colors falling confetti-like over one another. No excessive bling, just pert, saturated color. I understand there’s a creative display of colorful jeans (I think they’re on a ladder?). Elaine’s taste is a local urban legend; she’s a highly sought after consultant/contractor for renovations and new home design, not only in the Salt Lake area, but clear up into the Tri City area in Washington. Her own homes (I’ve been friends with Elaine through five of them) are always beautiful, always classy, always warm and inviting. There is no question in my mind that her boutique will be full of worthwhile finds.
The Gilded Branch’s Open House is tonight, from 4-8 (in conjunction with Silver Star Hardware’s Open House…antique and contemporary findings… Elaine is in good company).. And it’s going to be Marvelous.

The Gilded Branch is also carrying a few of my paintings. One is a surprise; I haven’t shown it here on EveryDayBloom yet, nor have any of my house guests gotten a glimpse. Frank saw it for the first time last week. You’ll have to go to The Gilded Branch’s Open House to see it.

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Ack! Now I’m dying to know what your painting looked like in full! What a marvelous looking store– does she have any plans to open an online version?
I don’t know if she plans on opening an online version. Good question…I’ll ask her. I hope to post a picture of the painting soon, and recap the open house a bit. It was delightful.
I wish I were not miles and miles away ~ will I ever be able to see the new, top-secret painting?
And if I ever open a store, I want you to write a promo piece on it. You paint pictures with words as well as you do with a brush ~ whimsical, enchanting ~ but real.
I hope the opening is a success, for you and for Elaine! What a natural outcome to an earnest investment in a longterm friendship~this collaboration of talents. Best of luck!
Love, Leah
Thank you Leah! And it would be so fun to write any sort of promo for any endeavor you were up to. Which endeavors happen all the time, I know. Because I’m your sister. And I’m privvy to info about your endeavors. The open house was lovely indeed. I intend to write about it. Soon.
Ha! This all coming from You, who has the ability see a project through from infancy to completion. You, in your tiny 100 ish pound frame, can do work most grown men cannot (or should I say-would not) attempt. And by the way, without your gracious art, the store would be well, not so fab!
Elaine (I mean, Thelma)! What a tribute. I especially got hung up on the “100-ish pound frame”. I’ve always thought of myself as sturdily built, so that was particularly nice. Love you, dear friend.