Sweet Land: Connections

January hoarfrost, sweet land

Sweet Land: Cold, and Missing Connections

In all the conversations I’ve had today, the cold weather was the leading topic. We’re all cold. Some of  us are happy there’s snow (I am), and some are just plain freezing (that’s me too). Seven degrees today–I wondered about the likelihood of frostbite this morning when I went for a quick run. My nose is extra long;  perhaps it would be extra vulnerable? Apparently not.  It’s still there.

Cold is both beautiful and terrible to me.  I love what snow and frost do to a landscape, and I’m grateful that they are so reflective, since I’m missing summer’s light. But. When it is this cold, and I stand outside alone in the night, I am overwhelmed by the coldness and vastness of the universe. My seven degrees is a comparative (but very thin) safety blanket.

Besides crystalline beauty, cold also means isolation to me. Loneliness can overwhelm like a night alone with the universe.

And so, of course, I crave warmth.  And company.  In winter especially, I like to bake. Especially if I’m cold. Especially if I’m feeling disconnected . Why is that?

I covet cupcakes.

The whole premise of cupcakes is…well,

shared cake.

cupcake, sweet land

Homemade bread is a favorite classic.

bread, sweet land

And in the morning, toast.  Buttered, with jam.

whole wheat toast, sweet land

Mmm. I could stay here awhile.

Apple pie! Shared (as it’s meant to be).

apple pie, sweet land

Are you ok with the cold?

And what does warm pie (or bread, or muffins) mean to you?

This clip from “Sweet Land”

(one of my favorite movies), perfectly illustrates the comfort of sharing warm pie:


pie crumbs, sweet land


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  • Shari January 23, 2013, 8:11 am

    Mmmm, can I enjoy some even if it is supposed to be 73 and sunny today in Texas? I must admit that for the couple weeks we had what we call cold, I made soup almost every day. My favorite cold comfort food.

    • Lynaea January 23, 2013, 4:08 pm

      Mine too. Made some for Maurya today…ginger, chicken, sausage…lots of garlic and veggies and broth. 73!!! It’s like you live in a different world!