Summertime, And The Livin’ Is Easy…

Summertime…And September Begins Tomorrow.

child floral design: barbie plus centerpiece

While summertime isn’t always easy around here, it is many warm, sweet things besides (and sometimes messy, sometimes hectic).   I wanted to write about all of them.  I meant to write about many more of them than I did.  After all, I had an entire summer in which to monologue. Or I thought I did.  My laptop’s hard drive is clogged with photos I’ve taken of gardens, salads,  summer fields.  Pumpkin blossoms, even a summer dress.  Plenty to muse over, ruminate about.  But time swept by  (though honestly, I didn’t even feel a breeze).  And now, it’s September tomorrow.  Fall really truly is almost here.   This afternoon, Frank and I sheltered under awnings and in galleries on Park City’s Main Street during a pre-September downpour/thunderstorm (we made several runs for it, but kept chickening out, stopping in the next closest doorway).  For the first time all summer, I was actually cold.  I kind of liked it.  And felt sort of…happy/sad, umbrella-less in the rain. Also, I gained a new appreciation for Twentieth Century Russian Impressionism.

rain in Park City child style: pollyanna meets vegas

What? Oh, right. That last photo does seem off topic, doesn’t it.

Well.  It’s not…at least not in my haphazard world.  This post was meant to be a Child Style post (speaking of intentions). I was going to make clever Pollyanna/Las Vegas references, applaud my daughter’s delightful fashion sense.  But August’s passing (and with it, my summertime expectations) is so bittersweet…so  moving to me, I had to mention it.  Even if my pictures appear irrelevant (but notice how Nora has dressed herself both in summertime chic, and faux fur against the chance of chillier days?).  Goodbye, August.  Remember, September, that you are still summer until the 21st.   Please be generous.   I don’t mind surprises; I’m simply hoping for one more helping of  abundance.

It can be so very, very hard to let go.

cool bling sunglasses faux fur and groovy glasses getting dressed, child style child style: buttoning up

Perhaps I will be able to snatch just enough wisps of time to write about a few more summertime things before the first October frosts bite (maybe, frost will wait til November?).  But meanwhile, may I just say…

Nora’s summer/winter outfit was entirely thrifted.

Ok, not the flashy glitzy light up glasses.  They really do hail from Vegas.  A data storage conference, no less. Frank brought them home from his last mandatory business trip (someone was handing the glasses out at a Bruno Mars concert…part and parcel of the Big Data Enlightenment that was going on.  Speaking of irrelevance.)  But everything else (that would be the dress, and the jacket) was thrifted.  I don’t remember how much they cost, but I rarely pay more than five dollars for anything, unless it is jeans (which usually cost only $6).   Also, Nora and her neighborhood friends designed and deposited the summertime bouquets on my kitchen table (pictured at top), along with other random things they found interesting…or needed to abandon.  All gathered from local flora (and possibly fauna… do exploded cattails and werewolf barbie dolls count as fauna?).

my child dressing herself