Homecoming Rhythm

Home by Michael Bublé on Grooveshark

This afternoon
I’ll sweep and garnish every room,
Light lamps, smooth pillows–
Wear lipstick and perfume,
Catch smiles in mirrors from my own face–
And when at last you’re home,
Inhale the solid ecstasy of your embrace.

that tomorrow morning you may frown
At lids left loose while you were gone,
or mutter at the phone,
or groan
at cluttered routine and fences down,
And rush without your coat to drive alone.

Knowing… but so do you,
as well the meaning of perfume.
That coatless returning
(and none too soon,
light waning to late afternoon),
Some polished, lamplit mirror will hold your face
and smile at the tranquility of our embrace.

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